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Resolution Strategies For Civil & Criminal Tax Actions In this article, you can discover:

  • The IRS’ primary goal is to recover unpaid taxes and under certain circumstances, criminal charges may be brought against a business owner for tax evasion or fraud.
  • Hiring a tax attorney can aid a business in navigating the process of resolving unpaid payroll taxes and working towards a resolution with the IRS.
  • There are options available for businesses facing difficulty paying payroll taxes to the IRS, such as payment plans, offers in compromise, and currently not collectible status. An attorney can assist in analyzing these options and determining the best path forward.

Will The IRS Pursue Criminal Actions Against Business Owners Who Failed To Pay Payroll Taxes?

The IRS’ primary goal, indeed, is to recover unpaid taxes. In certain circumstances where tax evasion or fraud is suspected, criminal charges may be brought against a business owner. However, in most cases, the IRS will take civil action to collect unpaid taxes.

Can Businesses Avoid Criminal Prosecution And Penalties For Unpaid Payroll Taxes By Hiring A Tax Attorney Now?

Hiring a tax attorney can help a business navigate the process of resolving unpaid payroll taxes. An attorney can advise on the best course of action and work toward a resolution with the IRS. It is important to note that the primary goal should be resolution rather than simply avoiding penalties.

Are There Options To Resolve Due Balances If Our Business Cannot Pay Back Payroll Taxes To The IRS?

There are options available for businesses facing difficulty paying payroll taxes to the IRS. These options may include payment plans, offers in compromise, and currently not collectible status. The best course of action will depend on the specific circumstances of the business and its financial situation. An attorney can assist in analyzing these options and determining the best path forward.

How Can SG Law Group Help A Business Ensure Payroll Taxes Are Being Paid Timely And Correctly To Avoid Penalties?

SG Law Group can assist businesses in ensuring timely and correct payment of payroll taxes. The firm can review and analyze a business’ tax filings and practices, identifying potential issues and providing guidance on correcting them. This can help companies to avoid penalties and possible legal action from the IRS.

What Should You Do If You Failed To Make Timely Payroll Tax Payments?

It is essential for businesses that have fallen behind on filing returns or payments to address the problem promptly. Failing to do so can result in significant issues, as payroll tax debt can quickly multiply. Ignoring the problem and hoping it will disappear will only exacerbate it.

The best course of action is to seek assistance from a law firm specializing in resolving tax issues with the IRS. These firms can guide the options and alternatives available to settle the debt and get the business back on a solid financial footing with the IRS.

For more information on Criminal Actions For Unpaid Payroll Taxes, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (305) 606-6139 today.

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